Saturday, January 2, 2010

Why do we lie?

As human being, we are trained to be skeptical; we don’t trust people easily because people lie to us all the time and vice versa. So in this case my rule is, everybody is a liar until proven honest.

Lying is bad or so we are told constantly from birth. Honesty is the best policy… “The truth shall set you free, I chopped down the cherry tree” blah blah blah… whatever. But as a kid or as an adult still we lie. The fact is, lying is a necessity. We lie to ourselves because the truth... the truth freaking hurts. Here I can draw the example of myself. People say a lot of things about me behind my back. Like ,”Jonhney talks, walks like a female…etc”. And you what, I rate myself 6 out of 10 as a man… I know I’m not that dashing, actually not dashing at all. I understand why people say those things behind me, not in front of me; because everything what they are saying is truth. As I said before truth hurts, people are lying when they are in front of me. And I like that they lie, because I don’t wanna hear those naked truth.

There is the other angle of truth. In 2007 when I was working in Crown Resort, one day I got a good amount of tips for my good service. Usually we share the tips with other colleague, but we don’t share the tips if we get that specifically, personally. As that tips was a personal tips I didn’t share it with my fellow colleagues. As a consequence, some of my colleague with whom I don’t share a good rapport, they spread everywhere that I’ve stole the tips. In few hours everybody were whispering here and there, they were looking at me like I’m a thief. I was so humiliated. I went to manager…and he said “Johney why do you care a lot. You know what truth is. So don’t react. Keep doing your job..Let them bark”. And you know what, here is the most interesting thing; end of the year on annual function Crown Resort awarded me as “EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR” over more than 100th of other employee. I’ve learnt, no matter how hard people try to ignore or deny it, eventually the lies fall away, like it or not. You may try to fabricate, but end of the day you know truth is truth.

But again, still we lie. So here's the truth about the TRUTH.. It hurts. So we lie.

8:17 PM, Friday, July 10, 2009

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