Sunday, July 1, 2012

লেখা না লেখা

অনেক সময় যখন ভাল কোন বই, বা আর্টিকেল পড়ি, তখন মনে হয়…যদি আমিও পারতাম লিখতে, শব্দ নিয়ে খেলা করতে। অনেক আগে, কলেজ জীবনে কিছু লেখার চেষ্টা করেছিলাম। কি হয়েছিল বা কি হয়নি তা বোঝার আগেই লেখা-লেখি বন্ধ হয়ে গেছে। পড়াশোনা, চাকরি, জীবন-জীবিকা ও নানা রকম যুদ্ধ। এতো রকমের টিকে থাকার সংগ্রামে শখের অস্তিত্ব কোথায়! যেখানে শখ বেড়ে ওঠে অবসরে…সেই অবসরইতো ছিলনা কখনো!
যাইহোক, এটা আমার প্রথম ব্লগ…অনেক আগে খোলা, কিন্তু লেখা হয়না কিছু নিয়মিত। আজ অনেকদিন পর লিখছি। আশা করছি এখানে লিখবো, নিয়মিত কিনা জানিনা…কিন্তু লিখবো, এবং বেশী বেশী বাংলায় লিখবো। নিজের ভাষা...চর্চা কোথায়! 
নির্দিষ্ট কোন বিষয়বস্তু নেই, যা নিয়েই লিখবো কেবল। লিখবো আমার কথা, আমার আশেপাশের মানুষের কথা, চেনা-আচেনা চারপাশের কথা। শেষ বয়সে যখন স্মৃতি ঝাপসা হতে বসবে, তখন এই টুকরো লেখাগুলোই আমাকে মনে করিয়ে দিবে পেরিয়ে আসা পথের কথা। মনে করিয়ে দিবে সেই জীবনের কথা যে জীবন যাপন করছি প্রতিনিয়ত।

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Miss You Boss! :(

It was somewhere in May, 2010. It’s been 3 months only I came back from Cyprus. I just joined Hotel Sarina. Then I got a call from Hotel Sheraton to attend a written test. So I passed that test and went for viva. There I met Ms. Poly Rahman, Ms. Saiqa Mazid, and Mr. Mahfuz Rahman. Mr. Mahfuz Rahman asked most of the questions, Ms. Saiqa Mazid asked some. But Ms. Poly Rahman didn’t ask me anything, she was only sitting there with a smiley face! Then I didn’t know her name or designation. I was only wondering who is that lady looks like Shabana Azmi, and why she is not asking me anything.

So after viva and medical test, I joined Sheraton and discovered that lady (Shabana Azmi) is my boss, Front Office Manager, and her name is Poly Rahman.  She is one of those people whom you meet for the first time, but feels like known each-other for years! I was really happy to get her as my boss!
I worked there in Sheraton nearly for a year (11 months), and there was not a single moment when she was not there for me (given the fact of dirty politics in Sheraton, Dhaka, and my brutal honesty). She was there for me as a leader, a mentor, a guide, an elder sister, a friend! I didn’t get the job by anyone’s favor, but if she was not guiding me there through all those months, it was not possible for me to work there; even it’s for a day!

So later on I left that Sheraton job, and joined my current job. But I was very much in touch with her. When I was leaving Sheraton, she gave me two very precious advices.
1.       Change your mask, not your judgment.
2.       Do not open your mouth for atleast for 3 months, only listen, listen and listen.
And trust me, these words changed my life! I was never been as diplomat as now (Lol! Ofcourse in a positive way).

In the mean time I visited Sheraton for 2/3 times. But I met my dear boss for only once. Then it was Christmas when my boss invited me for a cake. So I went there, had cake and a little chit-chat. But she was really busy with all the stuffs going on that day.

So right after New Year, she left that job, and today she is leaving for another country to join her new job! I’m really very happy for her and wish her all the best. But then again, I’m going to miss her so much! It’s not that we talk every day, but whenever I was down in my profession, or needed to talk to any1, for suggestion or advice I knew that she was there for me! She was like my support system in this country! Can’t believe she is leaving today!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Nirmalendu Goon's Poetry

Friday, December 24, 2010

When I'm Old

When you are old and gray and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face.

And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

~ William Butler Yeats

I donno why but whenever I read this poetry I feel really sad :( What a beautiful poetry! I'm not old, but when i look at my younger cousins like Fabin, Raad, Rakib, Raiyan, Aunik, Akash...i get scared! Their 'Teen-age' force me to believe i'm in my middle age now! Isn't it pathetic how time pass away so quick! Its seems like yesterday when i used to cry for toys! Now here I am, 30 years old man..all set to start 2nd innings of life! Damn!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cry, cry...Don't cry!

When did you last time cry for others pain. When I say others pain, I mean entirely unknown people's pain? When we cry in others pain, do we really cry for them? Or we cry because we have our own pain, which is very similar to their pain?

August 02, 2006 this was a day that I would never forget. I was then in Cyprus when I received the horrible news that my grandmother(Nanu) had past away. I knew that my grandmother was sick, and unfortunately she had been in hospital for months. But I couldn’t believe it, it almost felt like a bad dream, and I sincerely wanted to wake up but can't. As I knew in my heart I wasn’t dreaming and all I could do is cry. I didn’t want to accept it; she was a great woman, someone that I spent so much time with. I remember all those childhood days at grand ma's house, and having meal together, watching TV, the smell of the kitchen, her voice, sound of her keys around the house. How could I forget every details about her, I was one of her very dearest grandson!

A month ago when my best friend Zaber's father died, and he was crying like a baby on the phone, i was crying too...partly because i can't stand my best friend is crying in pain, partly because i was in pain remembering my grand ma's death. Our mind is so strange..we donno how it travels through one thought to another just in a second. We always cry when nearest people around us cry. But do we really cry for the same reason, i guess not. Ofcourse we are sympathized but this is not the whole story. That day I realized we've our own pain to cry for..we always unconsciously find a way to relate their pain with our one, and cry. I may sound selfish, but take a minute and think..I'm sure you will realize it is true!

Friday, December 3, 2010

I Am Who I Am

There was a time when I used to take seriously every single thing that people pronounce about me. No matter who the person is.. My best friend to street boy, I used to care everybody. But as the time passed away I realized its not healthy to pay attention to all these craps. I started to change..and I managed to change. But...there is a but, but there are some moments when it's better to react or speak up rather than keeping the mouth shut.

Recently some of my friends comments (or shall I say nasty opinion) came into my attention. They thinks I post all the positive status n polished photos on my facebook wall or twitter just to make myself look better than I am in real. Well, I can't change what u think but what I can do is to give a clarification(even I think I should not clarify things). I post good or inspiring thoughts because I wanna spread positivity among people, not the misery of my little life. I don't want people to see my photos where I look miserable n think yaks..what the hell! Trust me, I'm not on facebook to get highest 'Like', I'm not on twitter 2 get brownie points neither a fan following. I'm here 2 spread a positive vibe n connect with real people n friends.

Guys... I am who I am. I don't pretend to be a saint or a sinner since I am a bit of both. All those who want me to be someone else sorry to disappoint. So here is the advice, if u can't handle good things around you, just back off, unfollow me or block me from your network. Sometimes I may please u &sometimes I may disappoint. You can't please all people all the time. That is life. If u r my friend u will understand. Take care...peace :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

My First Farewell Party

Last night was my first farewell party. It was a surprise. Sharif, one of my Bangladeshi friend arranged this wonderful party. From the beginning of my Cyprus life, he was a good friend. But back in 2007 one night when he was drunk we had an disgusting argument. As a consequence we stop talking to each other.

But last new year eve,after odd 2 years I patched up with him. As I'm leaving for Bangladesh soon, I thought it's not a good idea to keep this bitterness alive.Life is too short to continue such silly fights, isn't it?

The party was rocking and I got so drunk last night. As i know my limit, after a while I escaped the party without saying anyone good bye. I know my friends, they'll never allow me to leave that early from the party. I know it's weird, and I'm so sorry but I didn't have any other option but escaping that party.

My friends have a big heart, I'm sure apparently they'll forgive me.Now on a special note, I'd like to take the privilege to thank Sharif for this wonderful, heart warming party. It means a lot to me, thanks again :)

So...that's all for tonight...Sleep well guys