Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

Valentines Day is celebrated on February 14 by many people throughout the world (although it's very American thing). In this day lovers express their love for each other by sending Valentine's cards, presenting flowers, or offering confectionery.

Well, I'm not going to discuss the history behind Valentine's more or less we all know that. If you don't be my guest, search on google.

A huge number of people doesn't believe in Valentines Day. Well, my view is if you care to express your love to the beloved one for sake of this V day, i don't see any harm.

You know what the strange thing is? If you ask anybody WHAT IS LOVE..most of the people (including me)doesn't know what to say instantly, spontaneously. Isn't that pathetic?

Well, may be don't know how to express, but it doesn't mean that we are not in love... We are always in love, we have been. Love is all around us. All we need to do is admit the real love and response towards it. If you didn't do that yet, don't wait for tomorrow, do it today, do it now... because you never know how u gonna end up..

So, express your love, give a kiss, pass a smile... you'll get back same..I guarantee :)

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