Sunday, February 15, 2009

Black Cat

First of all I'd love to thank Ginka, my dearest friend for the wonderful comments she made on facebook about this blog.She is the first person who cared to left a comments after reading my blog.She is such a sweetheart.It's truly encouraging,thanks once again.

I'm dedicating this piece of writing "Black Cat" to you Ginka, as she is a little worried about the black cat that came across on her way friday night.

In different part of world they believe black cat is a sign of upcoming trouble, especially when it comes across your way. You may call it superstition, but this is what they believe.

According to some study,black cat also represents protection power, spirit(i mean soul of dead person) & mystery. In this case I'd love to share some piece experiences that came across my finger through some journals...

"I myself have never viewed black cats as bad luck. A few weeks ago my grandmother passed away and I had to travel back home for the funeral. My husband told me that while I was away a black cat started appearing in the tree next to my bedroom window at night…every night. When I got back I thought it would go away but it has been in that tree every night since my grandma died. Last night I woke up and there it was looking into my window and appeared to be watching me sleep. It will wait till I go to work in the morning and if I come late at night will be waiting for me by that tree. Any ideas?
Comment by karen, November 19, 2008 @ 4:56 pm "

"Since I moved to my new place I have been adopted by a stray grey cat. Of course I feed him and give him milk, mostly because I appreciate him being there. I live in a “scary” neighborhood and usually don’t go out much at night: however, the garbage dumpster is a block away. When I take the garbage whether it is day or night, he walks with me to the dumpster and back. He is waiting for me when I get home and greets me in the morning. I do not let him in the house because of fleas, etc. but our bond has become very close. Last night when walking to the dumpster I heard a scamper behind me and there he came, running to catch up. A few seconds later I smelled a very, very strong odor of roses. It only lasted a few moments. I looked around in the dark but there was nothing near… only the dumpster and the freeway with its noise and exhaust.
Comment by Robin Brown, December 28, 2008 @ 2:38 pm"

So..there is the thought, you may believe these comments, you may not. But what i personally believe, the black cat has long been considered to be closely linked with OTHERWORLDLY concepts. May be it sounds stupid but if any black cat comes across my way, i just stop for a while and name God. Because I believe God created the world & all it's creatures, therefore HE is the only one who can protect us from trouble. So Ginka don't worry about the black cat that came across your way, just name God. I'm sure you will be alright:)


  1. Yeah,buddy...thanks a lot ;)))
    I've just woken up.I had a dream of my grandma.She looked well in my dream.
    She passed away a few years ago.My link was very strong with her when she was alive.
    Six months ago, she came in my dream but she looked very sinister...i couldnt recognize if it was she or no then. It was nightmare.Then she transformed in good looking person in my dream.The same day my life bad...very bad.
    Since now,I dont know if in that nightmare the horrible person was she or she came after to protect me from that bad.
    Well,she continue to come in my dreams.But now she looks well in. I believe and hope she to come for good in.Because I know that somebody take care of us from up there...and I know that my gradma is doing it.
    I dont know what will happen with me:) Im an optimist...and somewhere deep inside me i know that everything will become better for me, for you,...for the good people which believe in the good.
    For good or for bad God sends us obstacles on our road of life.I believe that for every one obstacle on our road there is corect reason for it. make us stronger than now; theach us some life lesson...or even to show us that sometimes the world is very cruel but we should know how to survive in to can enjoy after the perfect life who is following the bad.:)))
    Evrytime it is the circle of the life:)))
    ....doun after up.....
    Evrytime it is rain-rainbow-sunshine:)))
    Well, you said- Thanks to God for all of it :)))
    ...Soooo, It is time for us to prepare ourself for the rainbow...and sunshine;)))
    ...and me to feed the nice,sweet,black cat ;)

  2. Well...very thoughtful comments. Ofcourse we don't have any other choice but waiting for the good time :)
