Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Australia... A movie to remember.

I just watched the movie AUSTRALIA. It was about love, war & peace. I thought it was great - through and through.Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, Brandon Walters were amazing.

The plot summary for Australia is there (Courtesy IMDB):
"In 1939, the aristocratic Lady Sarah Ashley travels from Great Britain to Australia to meet her husband Maitland Ashley in northern Australia. The husband's drover comes to the city of Darwin to bring Sarah to their farm; however, when they reach Faraway Downs Farm, they find that Maitland was murdered. Sarah befriends Nullah, who tells her that the administrator Neil Fletcher is stealing her cattle; has killed her husband; and is working for the cattle baron King Carney. Sarah fires Fletcher and his men and together with Drover, Nullah and a group of loyal employees, they ride together to take the cattle to supply the army and win a tender in times of war. But the ambitious Fletcher has other intentions and uses Nullah to press Sarah."

The movie and music touched my heart deeply, especially the song at the end.I believe that song is sung by Angela Little. If any of you like to listen the song with lyrics just leave a comments with your email...It'll be right to you. Keep Smiling :-)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Black Cat

First of all I'd love to thank Ginka, my dearest friend for the wonderful comments she made on facebook about this blog.She is the first person who cared to left a comments after reading my blog.She is such a sweetheart.It's truly encouraging,thanks once again.

I'm dedicating this piece of writing "Black Cat" to you Ginka, as she is a little worried about the black cat that came across on her way friday night.

In different part of world they believe black cat is a sign of upcoming trouble, especially when it comes across your way. You may call it superstition, but this is what they believe.

According to some study,black cat also represents protection power, spirit(i mean soul of dead person) & mystery. In this case I'd love to share some piece experiences that came across my finger through some journals...

"I myself have never viewed black cats as bad luck. A few weeks ago my grandmother passed away and I had to travel back home for the funeral. My husband told me that while I was away a black cat started appearing in the tree next to my bedroom window at night…every night. When I got back I thought it would go away but it has been in that tree every night since my grandma died. Last night I woke up and there it was looking into my window and appeared to be watching me sleep. It will wait till I go to work in the morning and if I come late at night will be waiting for me by that tree. Any ideas?
Comment by karen, November 19, 2008 @ 4:56 pm "

"Since I moved to my new place I have been adopted by a stray grey cat. Of course I feed him and give him milk, mostly because I appreciate him being there. I live in a “scary” neighborhood and usually don’t go out much at night: however, the garbage dumpster is a block away. When I take the garbage whether it is day or night, he walks with me to the dumpster and back. He is waiting for me when I get home and greets me in the morning. I do not let him in the house because of fleas, etc. but our bond has become very close. Last night when walking to the dumpster I heard a scamper behind me and there he came, running to catch up. A few seconds later I smelled a very, very strong odor of roses. It only lasted a few moments. I looked around in the dark but there was nothing near… only the dumpster and the freeway with its noise and exhaust.
Comment by Robin Brown, December 28, 2008 @ 2:38 pm"

So..there is the thought, you may believe these comments, you may not. But what i personally believe, the black cat has long been considered to be closely linked with OTHERWORLDLY concepts. May be it sounds stupid but if any black cat comes across my way, i just stop for a while and name God. Because I believe God created the world & all it's creatures, therefore HE is the only one who can protect us from trouble. So Ginka don't worry about the black cat that came across your way, just name God. I'm sure you will be alright:)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

Valentines Day is celebrated on February 14 by many people throughout the world (although it's very American thing). In this day lovers express their love for each other by sending Valentine's cards, presenting flowers, or offering confectionery.

Well, I'm not going to discuss the history behind Valentine's Day..as more or less we all know that. If you don't be my guest, search on google.

A huge number of people doesn't believe in Valentines Day. Well, my view is if you care to express your love to the beloved one for sake of this V day, i don't see any harm.

You know what the strange thing is? If you ask anybody WHAT IS LOVE..most of the people (including me)doesn't know what to say instantly, spontaneously. Isn't that pathetic?

Well, may be don't know how to express, but it doesn't mean that we are not in love... We are always in love, we have been. Love is all around us. All we need to do is admit the real love and response towards it. If you didn't do that yet, don't wait for tomorrow, do it today, do it now... because you never know how u gonna end up..

So, express your love, give a kiss, pass a smile... you'll get back same..I guarantee :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Road to inner peace

A month ago I was trying to articulate my feelings.. I was thinking the road to inner peace isn't always easy and smooth though…. but it is worth the journey. And i posted this thought on my Facebook profile.
In response of my statement, 1 of my dear friend Linda Finn from UK wrote "The road to find inner peace has gates that are hard to open along with bumps and pits .....but when we find a smooth road its wonderful .....but it is all part of our journey"
I must say her comments is well written. But not sure if I'm agree with her completely as she wrote 'but when we find a smooth road its wonderful'. I was wondering is anyone really gets the SMOOTH ROAD in there life?... truly don't know. At least it didn't happened with me till date.
Am i sound like a pessimist? Trust me I'm not. Because i didn't lose my faith, I'm still searching, I'm trying...

Better man

Send someone to love me
I need to rest in arms
Keep me safe from harm
In pouring rain

Give me endless summer
Lord I fear the cold
Feel Im getting old
Before my time

As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord Im doing all I can
To be a better man

Go easy on my conscience
cause its not my fault
I know Ive been taught
To take the blame

Rest assured my angels
Will catch my tears
Walk me out of here
Im in pain

As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord Im doing all I can
To be a better man

Once youve found that lover
Youre homeward bound
Love is all around
Love is all around

I know some have fallen
On stony ground
But love is all around

......This is lyrics of the song 'Better man' sung by Robbie Williams. It's not a new song but i discovered this wonderful song a couple of month ago. There are very few songs that make us think. And this song is one of them. My eyes became tearful while i was listening that song.. i was feeling so empty, so poor... Am i doing the right things in life? God help me... show me the way...